Life at PKF

Giving back 

At PKF, we believe it is important to give something back to the communities in which we are based, and, in particular, are keen to support charities that work within areas in which we operate: East London, Leeds and South Africa. 


As a result, we provide financial support to our charities, including through match-giving, and help our staff with easy access to making charitable donations via our payroll system.

In addition, everyone is entitled to additional leave each year for community volunteering activities, whether as individuals or as teams. 


We are also committed to minimising the impact of our business on the environment. Working with a respected environmental consultancy, we have calculated our carbon emissions. We offset these emissions by sponsoring environmentally and socially beneficial projects around the world. Our investments include tree planting projects in the UK and the Amazon rainforest, initiatives to provide renewable energy in Aruba, India and Indonesia and a project to rehabilitate a borehole to provide drinking water for communities in Uganda. 

Volunteers from our Leeds office spending the day at the St Gemma’s Hospice distribution centre sorting through all of the donations and getting them ready to sell in the charity’s shops.

We were delighted to give up our time for this amazing local charity which supports local people with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses.